Monday, 27 April 2015

[Spring] How to create global exception handler ?

Sometimes you may want to handle exceptions globally. Let's say you have a service which exposes several rest endpoints which are conntected to the same database. Your data access objects may throw DatabaseConnectionException (or something like that) when db is not available. In such case the response should contain proper HTTP status code and error message. Sample rest endpoint:
public class TemperatureEndpoint {
 private WeatherService temperatureService;

  value = "/temperature/{city}",
  method = RequestMethod.GET,
  produces = "application/json"
 public Temperature currentTemperature(@PathVariable("city") String city) {
  return temperatureService.getCurrentTemperatureIn(city);
And another one:
public class HumidityEndpoint {
 private HumidityService humidityService;

  value = "/humidity/{city}",
  method = RequestMethod.GET,
  produces = "application/json"
 public Humidity currentHumidity(@PathVariable("city") String city) {
  return humidityService.getCurrentHumidityIn(city);
Both HumidityService and TemperatureService use the same database so you may use some unified runtime exception like DatabaseConnectionException. Handling the exception in both services isn't a good idea because the result will in most cases be the same. By the way each try-catch block makes you to write additional unit test so global handler seems to be a natural choice. Spring allows you to create a global exception handler (will be applied to all the rest controllers) using @ControllerAdvice annotation. Typically class annotated with ControllerAdvice contains methods which map exceptions to HTTP status codes and messages. In well-designed applications it can be the only place where exception handling occurs. Let's create some mappings. Each mapper should also generate proper json response so the client can handle it. Let's create a class annotated with @ControllerAdvice (note that the class has to be in scope of component scan).
public class WeatherServiceExceptionHandler {
        private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WeatherServiceExceptionHandler.class);
I've added a logger because we may want to log something. Let's get back to DatabaseCommunicationException. In case the exception is thrown I want my service to log proper information and return exception's message in json so the client can handle it properly.
@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
public void handleDatabaseConnectionException(DatabaseCommunicationException e) { 
 LOG.error("DatabaseCommunicationException occurred", e);
As you can see I've created a method which takes as a parameter DatabaseCommunicationException so I can log its content. @ExceptionHandler annotation tells Spring that the method handles DatabaseCommunicationException exception. @ResponseStatus allows you to specify which HTTP status will be assigned to the response when this particular handler is being fired. In this case WeatherService cannot work without database connection so I chose 500 which is internal server error. You can obviously use whichever code you want to. For now the handler only logs a message and returns http code but it should also return a message to the client. In all RestControllers I use jackson to map POJO cleassess to json. It can be used in ControllerAdvice as well. Jackson dependency:
In this example json response will only contain a message but you can add here anything else. My response is just a sample immutable POJO. It looks as follows:
public class ErrorMessage {
 private final String message;

 public ErrorMessage(String message) {
  this.message = message;

 public String getMessage() {
  return message;
Now the handler should return ErrorMessage and indicate that response should be converted into json format. Complete method looks like this:
@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
public ErrorMessage handleDatabaseConnectionException(DatabaseCommunicationException e) {
 LOG.error("DatabaseCommunicationException occurred", e);
 return new ErrorMessage(e.getMessage());
Let's add another one. This time I want to tell the user that the service doesn't support requested city. Fo instance the user wants to get current temperature in Goszowice (which is very small village in southern Poland) but the database simply doesn't contain any data about this place. In such case TemperatureService throws UnsupportedCityException. I guess HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND (404) fits best.
@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
public ErrorMessage handleUnsupportedCityException(UnsupportedCityException e) {
 LOG.error("UnsupportedCityException occurred", e);
 return new ErrorMessage(e.getMessage());
As you can see bodies of both handlers are almost the same so it can be extracted to new method. It's just an example so let it be as it is. Complete code:
public class WeatherServiceExceptionHandler {
 private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WeatherServiceExceptionHandler.class);

 @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
 public ErrorMessage handleDatabaseConnectionException(DatabaseCommunicationException e) {
  LOG.error("DatabaseCommunicationException occurred", e);
  return new ErrorMessage(e.getMessage());

 @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
 public ErrorMessage handleUnsupportedCityException(UnsupportedCityException e) {
  LOG.error("UnsupportedCityException occurred", e);
  return new ErrorMessage(e.getMessage());
You can obviously provide a better way of constructing error message because you may not want to expose your internal messages. Something like this looks a bit better:
private static final ImmutableMap<Class, String> EXCEPTION_TO_MESSAGE_MAP = ImmutableMap.<Class, String>of(
   DatabaseCommunicationException.class, "Service is not available. Please try again later.",
   UnsupportedCityException.class, "Service does not track temperature in requested city."
That would be all :) Cheers

Friday, 10 April 2015

[Spring] How to test RestController using MockMvc ?

If you work in a software company you probably write integration tests which deploy your product into application server and then test functionalities exposed by web services. Integration tests ran by continuous integration server are very useful. Especially when the whole team develops some kind of functionality. After each commit you can easily check whether everything works fine and continue the development. Unfortunately it takes time... Typical workflow may look like this one: 1. Developer commits the code. 2. The code is being built on CI server. 3. Test environment has to be upgraded (war deployment). 4. The tests. It strongly depends on how big your project is but I'm sure you will have to wait for a while. Perfect tests should work as fast as unit tests. You should be able to run whole test suite and see results after seconds. And here comes Spring. Each rest controller can be conveniently tested using MockMvc. In order to do that you need to add spring-test into your dependencies' section:
Let's say I want to test following endpoint:
public class WeatherEndpoint {
  private WeatherService weatherService;
  @RequestMapping(value = "/weather/{city}",
                    method = RequestMethod.GET,
                    produces = "application/json"
  public Weather currentWeather(@PathVariable("city") String city) {
    return weatherService.getCurrentWeatherIn(city);                                    }
It's just an example so my WeatherService returns fixed value:
private class WeatherService {
  public Weather getCurrentWeatherIn(String city) {
    return new Weather("20.3");

public WeatherService weatherService() {
  return new WeatherService();
We need to prepare test skeleton which will be able to: 1. Run the test using spring runner. 2. Run application context. 3. Expose instance of MockMvc class.
@ContextConfiguration(classes = {AppConfig.class})
public class WeatherEndpointTest {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    private WebApplicationContext context;

    public void contextSetup() {
        this.mockMvc = mockMvc();

    private MockMvc mockMvc() {
        return MockMvcBuilders.<StandaloneMockMvcBuilder>webAppContextSetup(context).build();
Now I'm going to explain each fragment of this template. @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) - indicates that Spring runner will be used. Unfortunately JUnit test can use only one runner so forget about Mockito runner. @ContextConfiguration(classes = {AppConfig.class}) - the runner will setup spring context using configuration classes listed in this annotation. In this example it will use only AppConfig. private MockMvc mockMvc - instance of MockMvc. This object allows to perform operations on rest endpoints. @Inject private WebApplicationContext context - context has to be injected in order to build mockMvc contextSetup() and mockMvc() - before each test mockMvc will be rebuilt Basically that's all. You can now start writing tests. Note that you can inject beans which have been added to spring container. In next episode I will explain how to do that and how to mock some of them in order to make tests isolated. currentWeather() returns Weather object which is a POJO class that contains only one field - (String) temperature. I've added jackson as dependency so the instance of Weather is being mapped to json. Here's our test:
    public void shouldReturnInfoAboutWeather() throws Exception {
        // given
        String city = "Wroclaw";

        // when // then
        mockMvc.perform(get("/weather/" + city))
If you run the test you will see something like: INFO: Mapped "{[/weather/{city}],methods=[GET],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[application/json],custom=[]}" onto public which means that the context has been run and /weather endpoint exposed. In this particular example MockMvc performs GET on the endpoint and checks the result. In this case I expect http status to be OK (200) and media type json. Additionally I've added:
so I can test the result mapped to json. Here I check whether temperature is equal to 20.3 (fixed value). Actually json-path is a really cool tool. You can assert that your json response is valid using very readable methods. The whole test below:
@ContextConfiguration(classes = {AppConfig.class})
public class WeatherEndpointTest {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    private WebApplicationContext context;

    public void contextSetup() {
        this.mockMvc = mockMvc();

    public void shouldReturnInfoAboutWeather() throws Exception {
        // given
        String city = "Wroclaw";

        // when // then
        mockMvc.perform(get("/weather/" + city))

    private MockMvc mockMvc() {
        return MockMvcBuilders.<StandaloneMockMvcBuilder>webAppContextSetup(context).build();
I strongly recommend to experiment with mockMvc. You should definitely check what can be passed to andExpect() method. That's all folks. Next time I'm going to show how to mock services in sping container in order to make integration tests isolated.