Wednesday, 10 February 2016

[Java8 / Spring / Test] How to test TransactionTemplate's execute() method ?

If your app uses Spring framework you may be familiar with either @Transactional or TransactionTemplate. Altough TransactionTemplate couples your app with Spring a lot of people use it. In most cases it's being injected into DAOs or some kind of AbstractDAO. DAO is an object which typically is tested by integration test which enables in-memory database. In most cases you won't need unit testing here but what if TransactionTemplate has been injected into some kind of service / transaction etc - in general a class which has to be unit tested ? There is one problem with TransactionTemplate - execute() method takes TransactionCallback as a parameter. This is how you would invoke it:
transactionTemplate.execute((s) -> propertyDao.persist(copyOf(toSave).withNewResourceId(accountId)));
If you mock TransactionTemplate then propertyDao.persist() will never be invoked. In my unit test PropertyDao is a mock so now I cannot use Mockito.verify() to check whether persist method has been invoked (it returns void).
private final PropertyDao propertyDao = mock(PropertyDao.class);
Let's see how execute() method has been implemented:
    public <T> T execute(TransactionCallback<T> action) throws TransactionException {
        if (this.transactionManager instanceof CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager) {
            return ((CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager) this.transactionManager).execute(this, action);
        else {
            TransactionStatus status = this.transactionManager.getTransaction(this);
            T result;
            try {
                result = action.doInTransaction(status);
            catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                // Transactional code threw application exception -> rollback
                rollbackOnException(status, ex);
                throw ex;
            catch (Error err) {
                // Transactional code threw error -> rollback
                rollbackOnException(status, err);
                throw err;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                // Transactional code threw unexpected exception -> rollback
                rollbackOnException(status, ex);
                throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(ex, "TransactionCallback threw undeclared checked exception");
            return result;
The most important line:
result = action.doInTransaction(status);
It simply means that our function:
transactionTemplate.execute((s) -> propertyDao.persist(copyOf(toSave).withNewResourceId(accountId)));
is being invoked in the method so when you mocked the template it won't happen at all. How to deal with that ? My first thought was to use ArgumentCaptor to catch the parameter passed to execute method and invoke it but I think I found a better way.
class FunctionCallingTransactionTemplate extends TransactionTemplate {
        @Override public <T> T execute(TransactionCallback<T> action) throws TransactionException {
            final TransactionStatus irrelevantStatus = null;
            return action.doInTransaction(irrelevantStatus);
In the code above I extend TransactionTemplate so that in only invokes the action passed to execute() method without other stuff. I guess I'm gonna need this in many tests so we can create a simple trait:
public interface FunctionCallingTransactionTemplateTrait {
    default TransactionTemplate functionCallingTransactionTemplate() {
        return new FunctionCallingTransactionTemplate();

    class FunctionCallingTransactionTemplate extends TransactionTemplate {
        @Override public <T> T execute(TransactionCallback<T> action) throws TransactionException {
            final TransactionStatus irrelevantStatus = null;
            return action.doInTransaction(irrelevantStatus);
Now in my test I have:
public class SaveAccountAttributesTransactionTest implements FunctionCallingTransactionTemplateTrait {
    private final ArgumentCaptor propertyCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Property.class);
    private final PropertyDao propertyDao = mock(PropertyDao.class);
    private final TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate = functionCallingTransactionTemplate();

    private final SaveAccountAttributesTransaction transaction = new SaveAccountAttributesTransaction(propertyDao, transactionTemplate);
And some test:
    public void shouldUpdateOneValueAndPersistOther() throws Exception {
        // given
        when(propertyDao.fetchResourceProperties("root", ACCOUNT)).thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList(
                propertyOf("firstProp", "2.21", "root"),
                propertyOf("secondProp", null, null),
                propertyOf("thirdProp", null, null),
                propertyOf("fourthProp", null, null)
        SaveAccountAttributesEvent event = new SaveAccountAttributesEvent("root", Lists.newArrayList(
                propertyOf("firstProp", "2.22", "root"),
                propertyOf("secondProp", null, null),
                propertyOf("thirdProp", "1.11", "root"),
                propertyOf("fourthProp","default", null)

        // when

        // then
        verify(propertyDao).updatePropertyValue(anyString(), eq("2.22"));
        assertThat(propertyCaptor.getAllValues()).extracting(Property::getResourceId, Property::getValue)
                .containsOnly(tuple("root", "1.11"));
And it passess :) As you can see I verify behaviour of propertyDao which is being invoked by our extended TransactionTemplate. Hope it helps.

Monday, 8 February 2016

]Bash / Gawk] How to print how long do you have to stay at work today ?

Today I'm going to show you a short script wirtten when I was running integration tests. It simply shows minutes you still have to be at work.

if [ -z "$START_HOUR" ] || [ -z "$START_MINUTE" ]; then

date | gawk '{print $4}' | gawk -F":" '{print 8 * 60 - (($1 * 60 + $2) - ('"$START_HOUR"' * 60 + '"$START_MINUTE"'))}'
It's actually very simple.
Here I create two variables which contain hour and minute I came to the office.
[ -z "$START_HOUR" ]
This condition checks whether a variable contains some value. In case I don't pass the date when I came it sets my default which is 9:45. Then very simple oneliner:
date | gawk '{print $4}' | gawk -F":" '{print 8 * 60 - (($1 * 60 + $2) - ('"$START_HOUR"' * 60 + '"$START_MINUTE"'))}'
prints current date -> Mon 8 Feb 15:12:09 CET 2016
date | gawk '{print $4}'
prints the fourth field (split by whitespace) -> 15:12:55
gawk -F":"
-F allows you to specify how do you want the input string to be split - in this case it's ':' so $1 now contains current hour and $2 current minute.
this is how you can access shell variables in gawk And then some simple math (note that I assume that working day == 8h):
'{print 8 * 60 - (($1 * 60 + $2) - ('"$START_HOUR"' * 60 + '"$START_MINUTE"'))}'
8 * 60 = working day (minutes)
($1 * 60 + $2) - ('"$START_HOUR"' * 60 + '"$START_MINUTE"'))
current minute of day minus minute I came to the office
The result of the script is: 148 which means I can go home after 148 minutes :)
You can obviously pass what time you came to work:
./howLong 10 0 prints 162