Monday, 11 July 2016

[Java8 / Functional programming] How to create object that will be created lazily ?

Sometimes you may want to create some objects lazily. Especially when it comes to really heavy objects that may or may not be used in runtime. In one of the companies I used to work we had to use Java 6. Some developers must have read some articles about laziness and started to create literally all the objects lazily like that:
    public static class OldFashionedHeavyObjectHolder {
        private HeavyObject heavyObject;

        public synchronized HeavyObject getHeavyObject() {
            if (heavyObject == null) {
                heavyObject = new HeavyObject();

            return heavyObject;
After couple of months we had a lot of classes with tons of getters that check if an object is null and so on. I can notice at least four disadvantages of that approach:
  • the method has to be synchronized because more than one thread can invoke the method when heavyObject == null
  • even if heavyObject has already been created you have to check that
  • it's extremely ugly
  • it's hard to test it
Luckily I've changed the company and now I can use all those fancy streams, lambdas and everything that Java 8 comes with. Basically I wanted to create a tool which works like that:
 * @author Grzegorz Taramina
 *         Created on: 23/06/16
public class LazyInstanceTest {
    public void shouldCreateLazyInstance() throws Exception {
        // given
        LazyInstance<String> instance = LazyInstance.of(() -> "i'm lazy");

        // when
        String result = instance.get();

        // then
        assertThat(result).isEqualTo("i'm lazy");
String is obviously just a simplification. So some kind of factory that creates a holder of a heavy instance and takes care of creating it lazily. I've figured out the following class:
 * @author Grzegorz Taramina
 *         Created on: 23/06/16
public class LazyInstance<T> {
    private final Supplier<T> instanceSupplier;
    private Supplier<T> instance = this::create;

    public static <T> LazyInstance<T> of(final Supplier<T> instanceSupplier) {
        return new LazyInstance<>(instanceSupplier);

     * Creates LazyInstance
     * @param instanceSupplier supplier that will be lazily used while creating instance
    private LazyInstance(final Supplier<T> instanceSupplier) {
        this.instanceSupplier = instanceSupplier;

    public T get() {
        return instance.get();

    private synchronized T create() {
        class InstanceFactory implements Supplier<T> {
            private final T instance = instanceSupplier.get();

            public T get() {
                return instance;

        if (!InstanceFactory.class.isInstance(instance)) {
            instance = new InstanceFactory();

        return instance.get();
It works like that:
final LazyInstance<HeavyObject> heavy = new LazyInstance<>(HeavyObject::new);
HeavyObject heavyObject = heavy.get();
The main idea of this class is that the supplier is being invoked lazily. Synchronized create method returns value returned by InstanceFactory (in fact it's a Supplier). Instance factory in turn returns value that returns Supplier provided to the LazyInstance. So basically we're invoking supplier that invokes supplier that creates real instance. Another thing: instance = new InstanceFactory(); - this line's really important because it swaps suppliers which means that synchronized block and if-else statement are being invoked only once. After the object is created the instance field (in LazyInstance not the InstanceFactory) contains InstanceFactory instance which returns real instance. It may look a bit complicated but I think it does all the stuff quite elegantly. Just to prove that the instance is being created lazily:
    public static class HeavyObject {
        public HeavyObject() {
            System.out.println("heavy's being created...");

    public static void main(String [] args) {
        System.out.println("Started executing main method");
        final LazyInstance<HeavyObject> heavy = LazyInstance.of(HeavyObject::new);
        System.out.println("Created lazy instance");
        System.out.println("Calling heavy.get()");
        HeavyObject heavyObject = heavy.get();
        System.out.println("End of main");
The output:
Started executing main method
Created lazy instance
Calling heavy.get()
heavy's being created...
End of main
I should also mention that it looks good in Java 8 because of lambdas but it can be also implemented in older versions using anonymous classes.

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