Wednesday, 10 August 2016

[CleanCode / Patterns] How classes like Period should be constructed ?

I've been thinking recently a lot about constructing objects that contain only two fields. The system I develop contains many classes like this which is rather problematic. I guess Period is a great example.
    public class Period {
        private final DateTime start;
        private final DateTime end;

How can we create instance of Period ?

1. No-arg constructor + setters

This is probably the worst way. It would look like that:
final Period period = new Period();
  • None
  • you create empty object
  • it takes three lines of code
  • it's muttable so you never know if the object is consistent
  • you can make stupid mistakes like invoke same setter twice with different parameters and so on
Basically for me no-arg constructor and set of getters and setters is a data structure. It isn't encapsulation because you won't put any logic to setters. You can make all fields public - it's the same. Let's talk about object consistency for a while. Consider you have Address class:
    public static class Address {
        private final String street;
        private final String houseNumber;
        private final String postalCode;
Some user (let's say Ben) registers in your system with the following address:
new Address("Long street", "16a", "50-500");
After few days Ben finds better flat on the same street say: Long Steet, 46d, 50-500 What now ? Should we update existing address or create new one ? Some people would say update but what if this house belongs to other post therefore should have other postal code ? I think that we should in such case always create new object. I have a validator which checks Address instance so I am sure that the address is correct. When I create and validate object I get consistent and correct object so immutable objects should be created whenever it's possible.

2. All-args constructor + getters

  • object is immutable
  • it takes one line to create instance
  • it's not very readable (espiecially for people who aren't developers)
  • when constructor's parameters are of the same type it's easy to swap them by mistake

3. Builder

I think it's best solution in this case. Most people use builder pattern for classes which have a lot of fields. In my opinion builder is a perfect pattern to create instance of class which has only two fields. Let's get back to Period class:
    public static class Period {
        private final DateTime startDate;
        private final DateTime endDate;

        public static Builder newPeriodThatStarts(final DateTime startDate) {
            return new Builder(startDate);

        private Period(final DateTime startDate, final DateTime endDate) {
            this.startDate = startDate;
            this.endDate = endDate;

        public static class Builder {
            private final DateTime startDate;
            private Builder(final DateTime startDate) {
                this.startDate = startDate;
            public Period andEnds(final DateTime endDate) {
                return new Period(startDate, endDate);
And this is how you instantiate Period instance:
    public static void main(String [] args) {
        Period period = newPeriodThatStarts(now()).andEnds(now().plusDays(1));
        Period anotherPeriod = newPeriodThatStarts(new DateTime(2016, 2, 15, 10, 0, 0)).andEnds(now());
  • object is immutable
  • it takes one line to create instance
  • it's very readable even for someone who isn't software developer
  • you have to create a builder (or use lombok)
Builder seems to be the best way for me. For Period you could also use all args constructor because the parameters have natural order - the first one is startDate and the second endDate (I can't really imagine the opposite) so you shouldn't swap the parameters by mistake. A lot of domain objects take two strings as parameters and in this case I would definitely use builder.

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