Friday, 10 November 2017

[Bash / Google search] How to query google search in bash ?

Recently my colleague asked me if I could write some script that automatically asks google about some games. He has a list of game titles in a file like:
➜  tools cat products 
Witcher 3
Metro Last Light
Valiant Hearts

And now he wants to ask google where those games can be bought:
where can I buy Witcher 3
where can I buy Metro Last Light
where can I buy Valiant Hearts

and then print first 5 links of each result.
At first I was thinking about writing scala script but I was also wondering if I can do the same in bash.
I've found an app called googler. You can find it on github:
It allows to use google search engine from the command line. You can use either interactive mode or json. For instance I want first two results for "scala cookbook":
googler "scala cookbook" --count 2 --json

It returns:
    "abstract": "Save time and trouble when using Scala to build object-oriented, functional, and 
concurrent applications. With more than 250 ready-to-use recipes and 700 code ...",
    "title": "Scala Cookbook - O'Reilly Media",
    "url": ""
    "abstract": "Save time and trouble when using Scala to build object-oriented, functional, and 
concurrent applications. With more than 250 ready-to-use recipes and 700 code ...",
    "title": "Scala Cookbook: Recipes for Object-Oriented and Functional ...",
    "url": ""

And this is exactly what I needed. I want only links so I used jq in order to extract url field from json objects like this:
➜  tools googler "scala cookbook" --count 2 --json | jq '.[].url'

Note that I used .[].url because it returns array of objects.
Now I want to loop over game titles from the file, print the title and results from google:
➜  tools cat products | while read title; do echo $title && googler "where can I buy $title" --count 2 --json | jq '.[].url'; done
Witcher 3
Metro Last Light
Valiant Hearts

And the last thing - allow user to pass the query (where can I buy) and number of expected links and make it executable:


cat products | while read title; do echo $title && googler "$1 $title" --count $2 --json | jq '.[].url'; done

It works exactly as I expected so there's really no need to use any more sophisticated programming language. I realize that I could do the same using curl but googler has a lot of useful features so you should definitely try it.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

[Scala / Scalatest / JUnit] How to run Scalatests with existing JUnit tests ?

The project I've been working on has originally been created in Java. I've added Scala one year ago so it became a cross-language project. Since then all new features have been coded in Scala but I didn't have that much time to add any scala testing framework so all the tests have been written in Scala + JUnit like this one:
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.junit.Test
import org.mockito.Mockito._

class GenbaHttpEntityCreatorTest {
  private val defaultHeadersCreator = mock(classOf[GenbaDefaultHeadersCreator])

  private val entityCreator = new GenbaHttpEntityCreator(defaultHeadersCreator)

  def should_create_http_entity_with_headers(): Unit = {
    // when
    val entity = entityCreator.createHttpEntity("some content", Token -> "token",
                                                                AppId -> "our app id",
                                                                Accept -> "application/json")

    // then
    assertThat(entity.getBody) isEqualTo "some content"
    assertThat(entity.getHeaders).containsOnly(entry("token", "token"),
                                               entry("appId", "our app id"),
                                               entry("Accept", "application/json"))
Recently I decided to add Scalatest but we have thousands of JUnit tests so the only option is to run both Scalatest and JUnit tests when the project is being built by gradle or intellij. At first I added gradle dependency:
testCompile group: 'org.scalatest', name: 'scalatest_2.12', version: '3.0.1'
Note that the artifact name is scalatest_2.12 which means it's gonna work with Scala 2.12 so if you use other version make sure to find appropriate version of scalatest.

Basically if you want to run scalatest like any other junit test just add JUnitRunner:
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner

It works but you have to add @RunWith annotation and extend proper spec (see: in every single test. I'd rather prefer creating my own spec. I've created two specs: UnitSpec - for all unit tests and IntegrationSpec - for tests that run spring context. The spec should extend any scalatest spec you'd like to use (for me it's FlatSpec).
abstract class UnitSpec extends FlatSpec
Now every test that extend UnitSpec uses FlatSpec and can be run like JUnit test. You can obviously add some stuff here like Matchers, MockitoSugar and so on. My UnitSpec looks like that:
abstract class UnitSpec extends FlatSpec
  with Matchers
  with MockitoSugar
  with OptionValues
  with GivenWhenThen
  with OneInstancePerTest
  with BeforeAndAfter {
  def when[T](methodcall: T): OngoingStubbing[T] = Mockito.when(methodcall)

  def verify[T](methodcall: T): T = Mockito.verify(methodcall)

  def verify[T](methodcall: T, verificationMode: VerificationMode): T = Mockito.verify(methodcall, verificationMode)

  def spy[T](o: T): T = Mockito.spy(o)

  def verifyZeroInterations(mocks: Object*): Unit = Mockito.verifyZeroInteractions(mocks: _*)

  def timeout(milis: Long): VerificationWithTimeout = Mockito.timeout(milis)
Note that we still use mockito and I don't want to import Mockito.when, Mockito.verify and so on in tests so it's more conveniant to have those methods in base class.

If you know Scala you may ask if I could use trait instead of abstract class. I was also thinking about that but it seems that annotations are not being inherited from traits.. Consider the following code:
trait Trait

abstract class AbstractClass

class ChildTrait extends Trait

class ChildClass extends AbstractClass

object A extends App {
  new ChildTrait().getClass.getAnnotations.foreach(println)

  new ChildClass().getClass.getAnnotations.foreach(println)
The output:
Child trait:
 s PU3g! )b#D    9"AA Ue LG C     !$  =S:LGO   7A Q  )
Child class:
@org.junit.runner.RunWith(value=class org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner)
   ! A  j]&$F  ! y  )
It shows that @RunWith annotation has not been inherited by ChildTrait class so if ChildClass were a test it wouldn't be run with other tests!!! Here's some simple test:
class RetryTest extends UnitSpec {
  private val someService = mock[Service]

  it should "retry twice and return value" in {
    Given("some service returns result after two errors")
    when(someService.doSth()).thenThrow(new RuntimeException)
      .thenThrow(new RuntimeException)

    When("running it with double retry")
    val result = retry(3) {

    Then("result should be returned")
    result shouldBe "done"

Friday, 28 July 2017

[Scala / Threads / Parallel collections] How to configure number of threads on parallel collection ?

I've already written an article about controlling pool size while using Java's parallel stream. Recently I needed exactly the same feature in Scala. Scala collection can be turned into parallel collection by invoking par method (introduced by Parallelizable trait).
trait Parallelizable[+A, +ParRepr <: Parallel] extends Any
so assuming you don't break basic rules of functional programming (immutablility, statelessness etc.) you can make your algorithms much faster by adding .par. Unfortunately .par method (exactly like .parallelStream() in Java) doesn't take any parameter which could controll the size of a pool.
/** Returns a parallel implementation of this collection.
   *  For most collection types, this method creates a new parallel collection by copying
   *  all the elements. For these collection, `par` takes linear time. Mutable collections
   *  in this category do not produce a mutable parallel collection that has the same
   *  underlying dataset, so changes in one collection will not be reflected in the other one.
   *  Specific collections (e.g. `ParArray` or `mutable.ParHashMap`) override this default
   *  behaviour by creating a parallel collection which shares the same underlying dataset.
   *  For these collections, `par` takes constant or sublinear time.
   *  All parallel collections return a reference to themselves.
   *  @return  a parallel implementation of this collection
  def par: ParRepr = {
    val cb = parCombiner
    for (x <- seq) cb += x
However you can set the number of threads using ForkJoinTaskSupport like that:
object ParExample extends App {
  val friends = List("rachel", "ross", "joey", "chandler", "pheebs", "monica").par
  friends.tasksupport = new ForkJoinTaskSupport(new ForkJoinPool(6))
Let's prove it works:
object ParExample extends App {
  val friends = List("rachel", "ross", "joey", "chandler", "pheebs", "monica", "gunther", "mike", "richard").par
  val stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted()
  friends.foreach(f => Thread.sleep(5000))
It prints 10025 so the pool must have been smaller than the list which contains 9 strings. Now I'll set the pool size:
object ParExample extends App {
  val friends = List("rachel", "ross", "joey", "chandler", "pheebs", "monica", "gunther", "mike", "richard").par
  friends.tasksupport = new ForkJoinTaskSupport(new ForkJoinPool(9))
  val stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted()
  friends.foreach(f => Thread.sleep(5000))
This time it took only 5024 milliseconds because each element of the list has been processed by separate thread. The solution is ok for me but I'd rather want to use concise one-liners so I've created implicit conversion between ParSeq and RichParSeq that adds parallelismLevel(numberOfThreads: Int) method.
class RichParSeq[T](val p: ParSeq[T]) {
  def parallelismLevel(numberOfThreads: Int): ParSeq[T] = {
    p.tasksupport = new ForkJoinTaskSupport(new ForkJoinPool(numberOfThreads))

object ConfigurableParallelism {
  implicit def parIterableToRichParIterable[T](p: ParSeq[T]): RichParSeq[T] = new RichParSeq[T](p)
Now you can use it like that:
import ConfigurableParallelism._

object ParExample extends App {
  val stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted()
  val friends = List("rachel", "ross", "joey", "chandler", "pheebs", "monica", "gunther", "mike", "richard").par
    .foreach(f => Thread.sleep(5000))
It took 5231 milliseconds.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

[Scala] How to convert dates implicitly ?

If you read any book or tutorial about scala you probably know what implicit keyword means. Basically you can create a method that will be called when compiler thinks it's a good idea to do so. Although I'm not a fan of implicit conversions (when you overuse it the code becomes less readable and clear) it's very useful to get rid of method calls in some cases.

When you create a DAO you probably extend some abstract data access object that provides entity manager, jdbc template or other object that connects your application with a database.

I've been using Jooq for 16 months now to construct SQL queries. It's quite nice tool that prevents from typical sql typos. See example below:
def findForUpdate(searchKey: DateTime, productId: String): Option[SearchHistoryReport] = {
    val sql =,
      .where(SEARCH_HISTORY_REPORT.SEARCH_DATE_AND_HOUR.equal(new Timestamp(searchKey.getMillis)))
      npjt.queryForObject(sql, noParams(), (rs: ResultSet, rowNum: Int) => SearchHistoryReport.builder()
Search date and hour is a datetime column in the database:
MariaDB [_censored]> describe search_history_report;
| Field                | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| product_id           | varchar(255)  | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| search_date_and_hour | datetime      | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| search_score         | decimal(19,2) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
Datetime can be compared to java.sql.Timestamp but all dates in my domain objects are Joda's DateTime.

Let's see another example:
      .and(SEARCH_HISTORY_REPORT.SEARCH_DATE_AND_HOUR.between(new Timestamp(startDate.getMillis)).and(new Timestamp(endDate.getMillis)))
I simply want to get rid of DateTime => Timestamp conversion.

Let's assume that my abstract dao looks like that:
trait Dao {
  def dslContext(): DSLContext = ???

  def jdbcTemplate(): NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = ???
It provides methods that return dslContext (jooq) and jdbcTemplate (spring).

I'd be really happy if all my daos could automatically convert org.joda.time.DateTime to java.sql.Timestamp.

Let's create implicit conversion between those types.
trait Dao {
  implicit def asTimestamp(date: DateTime): Timestamp = new Timestamp(date.getMillis)

  def dslContext(): DSLContext = ???

  def jdbcTemplate(): NamedParameterJdbcTemplate = ???
That's all. Now when I pass DateTime to method that takes Timestamp the compiler knows that implicit conversion can be used. It calls asTimestamp method that returns Timestamp behind the hood. Programmer doesn't have to remember that jooq likes timestamps only.

Query that uses implicit conversion looks like that:
I guess it's perfect use case when implicit conversion can be used. The code is very consise and readable and it's natural to pass DateTime so noone has to remember about this conversion.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

[Scala] How to transform tuple to class instance ?

In scala TupleN contains N fields and this is basically all that tuple can do (except swapping elements in Tuple2). Although it's really simple data structure it's extremely useful especially when you do some collection's processing.

Imagine that users in your system make orders and you want to find all users with their orders.
object A extends App {
  List("", "", "")
    .map(email => (email, findOrders(email)))

  private def findOrders(email: String): List[Order] = List() // call some dao here...

case class Account(email: String, orders: List[Order])
As a result we have collection of tuples that contain email and list of orders. We could have created Account object instead of tuple like that:
.map(email => Account(email, findOrders(email))
but let's say we want only users who made at least one order so we have to make additional filtering:
List("", "", "")
    .map(email => (email, findOrders(email)))
In the end we want to return list of accounts which means the tuple has to be transformed into Account instance. The easiest way would be something like that:
List("", "", "")
    .map(email => (email, findOrders(email)))
    .map(t => Account(t._1, t._2))
but it just doesn't feel right. You might have noticed that we used case class instead of class so tupled method can be invoked (it comes from Function2 trait).
/** Creates a tupled version of this function: instead of 2 arguments,
   *  it accepts a single [[scala.Tuple2]] argument.
   *  @return   a function `f` such that `f((x1, x2)) == f(Tuple2(x1, x2)) == apply(x1, x2)`
  @annotation.unspecialized def tupled: Tuple2[T1, T2] => R = {
    case Tuple2(x1, x2) => apply(x1, x2)
As you see in scaladoc it allows to create object's instance from tuple so considering our Account we can either call Account(email, orders) or Account((email, orders)). And this is exaclty what we're looking for:
List("", "", "")
    .map(email => (email, findOrders(email)))