In scala TupleN contains N fields and this is basically all that tuple can do (except swapping elements in Tuple2). Although it's really simple data structure it's extremely useful especially when you do some collection's processing.
Imagine that users in your system make orders and you want to find all users with their orders.
object A extends App {
List("", "", "")
.map(email => (email, findOrders(email)))
private def findOrders(email: String): List[Order] = List() // call some dao here...
case class Account(email: String, orders: List[Order])
As a result we have collection of tuples that contain email and list of orders. We could have created Account object instead of tuple like that:
.map(email => Account(email, findOrders(email))
but let's say we want only users who made at least one order so we have to make additional filtering:
List("", "", "")
.map(email => (email, findOrders(email)))
In the end we want to return list of accounts which means the tuple has to be transformed into Account instance.
The easiest way would be something like that:
List("", "", "")
.map(email => (email, findOrders(email)))
.map(t => Account(t._1, t._2))
but it just doesn't feel right.
You might have noticed that we used case class instead of class so tupled method can be invoked (it comes from Function2 trait).
/** Creates a tupled version of this function: instead of 2 arguments,
* it accepts a single [[scala.Tuple2]] argument.
* @return a function `f` such that `f((x1, x2)) == f(Tuple2(x1, x2)) == apply(x1, x2)`
@annotation.unspecialized def tupled: Tuple2[T1, T2] => R = {
case Tuple2(x1, x2) => apply(x1, x2)
As you see in scaladoc it allows to create object's instance from tuple so considering our Account
we can either call Account(email, orders) or Account((email, orders)).
And this is exaclty what we're looking for:
List("", "", "")
.map(email => (email, findOrders(email)))
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